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Human Focus

International travel with dogs, including cruises isn't hassle free but it isn't impossible.

Traveling Internationally With Your Dog

The biggest misconception about taking a dog to Europe or other overseas destinations is that a lengthy quarantine stay is mandatory. That’s old news, but there are still multiple hoops to jump through before you and your dog can jet off to an international locale.
The animal shelter crisis is causing many animals to suffer.

How You Can Help With the Animal Shelter Crisis

A perfect storm has hit the animal rescue world, and many shelters nationwide are bursting at the seams. Fostering is one way to help during the current animal shelter crisis. By taking a dog out of a shelter and fostering, you may even save another dog's life by freeing up kennel space in a facility.
Knowing how to entertain your dog at home whether you're working or on a rainy is an important life skill.

How To Entertain Your Dog at Home

Work hours mean very little to my young, extremely energetic dog. While I’m fixated on my computer screen, she’s hanging around getting bored. It can be a challenge to figure out what to do to keep a dog happy and engaged when you—and the dog—are stuck at home.
Getting down to their level is a great way to play with your dog.

Do You Know How To Play With Your Dog?

Do you know how to truly play with your dog? It sounds like a silly question, I know. Sure, you play fetch or tug, but that’s not what I’m talking about. What I love to encourage in a human-dog team is a less formal, goofier play connection.
Dog talking buttons can enable dogs to communicate simple needs to their owners.

Talking Buttons for Dogs

Not every dog is a good match for talking buttons. Older dogs or those that have never shown interest in solving puzzles may not get much benefit from the device.
Walks and other activities are good mental stimulation for dogs.

The Importance of Mental Stimulation for Dogs

Dog or human, nobody likes being bored. While some boredom is inevitable—this is, after all, real life we’re talking about—proper mental stimulation for dogs...
Parks and outdoor areas make for dog friendly vacations.

5 Best Dog Friendly Vacations

Ready for a vacation but don’t want to leave your dog behind? Dog friendly vacations take a little more planning, but many destinations boast...
Puppies are cute, but first time dog owners may not be aware of all they need to know.

What to Know as a First Time Dog Owner

Getting a dog of your own for the first time is a big step. If you're a first time dog owner you need to remember that you're taking responsibility for a living being.
Purebred dogs like these basset hound pound puppies are bred to emphasize traits.

What Is a Purebred Dog?

A purebred dogs is simply a dog bred from parents of the same phenotype while a mixed breed dog is bred from two or more phenotypes.
Dog urine killing grass? Try changing things up.

Help for Dog Urine Killing Grass

Dog pee killing grass happens because of the high nitrogen content in dog urine. A little nitrogen is great for plants, but a lot . . . not so much.
Not all dogs can swim. Some are bred for it, and others simply don't float.

Can All Dogs Swim?

Some dogs like Chihuahuas are too small to swim, and lack the fur to keep warm. Other breeds like bull dogs are not build to swim well and may sink rear end first.
A woman introducing a cat to a dog, the cat is clearly upset.

How to Introduce a Cat to a Dog

There are millions of homes where cats and dogs live together in perfect harmony – mine included. How does that happen? Careful introductions of...

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The “Magic” Skunk Formula is Science, Not Magic…

Decades ago, a chemist named Paul Krebaum (may his name be honored forever) cracked the chemical code of the stinky, sulfur-containing substances called “thiols” that are in the musk that skunks spray to defend themselves. Krebaum harnessed the power of oxidation, formulating a solution that changes the odorous thiols into odorless acids. He shared the recipe with a workplace friend who had been complaining about the smell of his cat, who had been skunked. Soon, other scientists heard about the formula and it went viral!