
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

Fleas do not die in winter, they can withstand cold temperatures and hitch a ride on your dog.

Do Fleas Die in Winter?

Your house is perfect for fleas all year round. Even if the outdoor weather is sufficient to eliminate fleas, every life stage will be nice and cozy in our warm homes that are complete with nooks and crannies to hide and hosts to feed on.
best canned dog food

The Best Canned Dog Foods

There are many reasons people feed canned food to their dogs (we will get into those in a minute) and one main reason why...
canned dog food

Whole Dog Journal’s Approved Canned Dog Foods

Here you’ll find a list of pet food companies that make the kind of foods that meet our canned dog food selection criteria. We’ve included ALL the information we gathered from each company on our approved foods list. Here’s the most exciting part about the table, however: It’s a searchable database that you can use to find appropriate foods for your dog!
How do you help a dog cope with the loss of another dog?

Do Dogs Grieve the Loss of Another Dog?

Every one of us who has lived with and loved a dog knows the pain of grief when we lose them. But what about the other dogs in our home? Do they grieve the loss as well? Answering this question isn’t as simple as it sounds.
Anaphylaxis in dogs is a medical emergency just like it is in humans.

Anaphylaxis in Dogs

Anaphylaxis in dogs is an immediate, severe, life-threatening allergic reaction. Potentially fatal symptoms can appear as quickly as within 5 minutes of exposure.
Why do dogs bark at nothing? There could be several causes for the behavior but it isn't nothing to the dog.

Why Do Dogs Bark at Nothing?

Every dog who barks has a reason for it. Every dog who barks has a reason for it. Determining the cause of barking though depends on the individual context.
A dog recovery suit can

When to Choose a Dog Recovery Suit

That plastic Elizabethan cone that has been traditionally used to stop dogs from licking, biting, or scratching at wounds, surgical stitches, and skin irritations works, but it’s not comfortable. A dog recovery suit is not only less cumbersome for your dog, it is also a more effective option than a cone.
A hip dysplasia stance can be an early sign of hip dysplasia, but a dog's gait says more.

Identifying Dog Hip Dysplasia

With hip dysplasia, the two parts of the hip joint don’t fit together tightly and fully. This can result in a hip dysplasia stance, and also odd gaits and limping that indicate that a vet should take a closer look.
How much it costs to groom a dog varies by the type of dog and grooming needs.

How Much Does Dog Grooming Cost?

So how much does salon grooming cost and what can you do to make grooming more affordable? Keep in mind that grooming costs can vary widely depending on factors such as breed, size, coat type and the groomer's experience.
Can dogs have cold sores? Dogs can have CUPs a condition that is similar to cold sores.

Can Dogs Get Cold Sores?

Dogs can get a bump that looks like a person’s cold sore—that small crater-like ulcer on the inside of your lip. But, cold sores in humans are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1, which cannot be transferred to or from your dog.
A vet sits with an ill dog and provides comfort.

Can I Give My Dog Tylenol?

Tylenol, or acetaminophen, is a go-to pain reliever for humans, but it can be deadly to dogs. Do not give your dog any Tylenol for any reason.
Dogs lick their wounds to remove dirt and other debris to help the wound heal.

Why Do Dogs Lick Wounds?

Wounds hurt because the damaged nerves in the area send pain signals to the brain. While it may seem counterintuitive to touch a wound to provide pain relief, overloading the nerves can decrease the overall pain.
Christmas trees aren't toxic to dogs, but they can still make a dog sick.

Are Christmas Trees Toxic to Dogs?

Christmas trees aren't especially toxic to dogs, but chewing on Christmas tree branches can hurt your dog. While touching the tree here and there won’t harm him, ingesting the branches, needles, and/or sap can.
Helping a dog adjust to a new home is best accomplished with patience, clear guidance, and plenty of affection.

Welcome Home: 5 Ways To Help a Dog Adjust to a New Home

Adding a new dog to the family is an exciting time. It also has the potential to be a little stressful, especially as everyone is getting to know each other, or when you’re welcoming an older dog rather than a puppy.

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The “Magic” Skunk Formula is Science, Not Magic…

Decades ago, a chemist named Paul Krebaum (may his name be honored forever) cracked the chemical code of the stinky, sulfur-containing substances called “thiols” that are in the musk that skunks spray to defend themselves. Krebaum harnessed the power of oxidation, formulating a solution that changes the odorous thiols into odorless acids. He shared the recipe with a workplace friend who had been complaining about the smell of his cat, who had been skunked. Soon, other scientists heard about the formula and it went viral!